
The Top 33 Healthiest Foods on Earth

It is a post I wrote for my blog about the healthiest foods on the planet. If you are looking for something that will assist your body in being as healthy as possible, it will provide you with a list of some of the best choices you can make in this regard! These are some of the most important foods on the market because they contain a substantial quantity of vital nutrients that can positively contribute to our health. All anyone talks about these days is their next meal or where they’re going to eat next. Instead, people are interested in learning everything there is to know about the food they put in their mouths, whether it be a fresh recipe for an elaborate dish or an article on how to eat more healthily. And because there are so many different points of view available, it might appear as though selecting the appropriate diet would be impossible. But fortunately, we are here to assist you! This article will discuss some of our favourite foods and why they are so beneficial to your health. However, this is not the case, despite the widespread belief that doing so will drive up the cost and complicate matters. So instead, I have compiled a list of the foods that are the most nutritious on the planet but are also relatively inexpensive and simple to prepare. These foods will help you feel energized even after you’ve finished eating for the day! What exactly does it mean to be “healthy”? For instance, many people believe they are eating healthy because they consume an apple rather than ice cream; however, only apples contain the nutrients fibre and vitamin C. On the other hand, ice cream contains both sugar and saturated fat; therefore, one of these options is healthier for you. Everyone has certain foods that they prefer above others. For instance, some of us enjoy pizza, while others strongly prefer tacos or sushi. But, on the other hand, one fact that you might need to be made aware of is that there is a healthy alternative to every type of food! The good news is that these healthier versions taste just as delicious, if not better than their traditional counterparts. The original versions are, of course, still available for those who prefer them. As a result, we will investigate some of the earth’s healthiest foods in this blog post so that you can enjoy eating them without feeling any shame. A wide variety of food falls under the category of “healthy,” but what exactly does that term mean? There are no hard and fast rules to follow here, but there are some general recommendations. The diet must have a mix of healthy and unhealthy fats. It must contain a relatively low amount of sugar and sodium. In addition to fruits and vegetables, a healthy diet should also consist of whole grains, legumes, fish, lean cuts of meat, and dairy products. You can start planning your next meal after reading this blog post, which will list some of the healthiest foods that can be found anywhere in the world. Is there anything that can top a salad that’s both crisp and flavorful? Salads are ideal for a meal because they are simple to prepare and good for your health. In addition, they can be an effective method for obtaining the recommended daily allowance of vegetables and fruits and delivering sources of protein such as chicken breast or eggs. On this planet, some of the foods that are the healthiest for you to eat are also some of the most delicious. You can get them at the grocery store or grow them in your backyard, but you need help determining which ones are the healthiest for you to consume. This article will help you determine whether a specific food contains more nutrients than any other food and will explain exactly what characteristics of food make it healthy. Let’s get started!

Why have these foods been chosen as the healthiest?

Consuming nutritious food provides numerous advantages to one’s body as well as one’s state of mind. When we eat well, we have a positive attitude about ourselves, and when we have a positive attitude about ourselves, we are much happier and more productive. This cycle then affects your life in general, including your work, relationships, and overall lifestyle. Therefore, it only makes sense to consume the healthiest foods possible and enjoy the advantages. Eating healthily in today’s world is much simpler than in previous generations. Because of this, establishments such as restaurants and shops are making an effort to encourage people to adopt a healthier diet to satisfy the requirements of some of their clients. The aisles of supermarkets are increasingly stocked with healthier options; therefore, there is no reason you shouldn’t seize this opportunity to treat your body as it justifiably expects to be treated. It’s possible that you won’t agree with our selection of the 33 healthiest foods, and it’s also possible that others won’t agree with our choices. Unfortunately, both of these things are entirely possible. However, these foods contain the necessary vitamins and minerals for the human body to operate at its peak potential. In addition, as an added incentive, each of them is delicious and eating any of them will be a pleasure.

1. Spinach


If it was healthy enough for Popeye, it should be healthy for you too. Spinach, a particularly nutrient-dense superfood, is now easily accessible in most supermarkets due to its ever-increasing popularity. It can be purchased fresh, frozen, or even canned, depending on the preferences of our friend who sails the seas and smokes a pipe. Spinach is a particularly nutrient-dense superfood.  Spinach is widely considered one of the healthiest foods because it is rich in vigour and has low caloric content. Additionally, it is an excellent source of vitamins A and K and vital folate.

2. Sesame Seeds

Likely, sesame seeds differ from the foods you give much thought to. However, research has shown that these crunchy little critters play an important role in maintaining a healthy weight and deserve to be added to dishes made with whole wheat noodles or salads. Researchers believe that the presence of lignans, which are plant compounds, in sesame seeds (and flax seeds) gives them their unique qualities. According to a study conducted in 2015, female participants who consumed high levels of lignans had a lower average body weight and experienced slower rates of weight gain over time compared to female participants who did not consume high levels of these compounds. You’re not a fan of how seedy it is, are you? Instead of spreading butter on bread, you could spread tahini, made from sesame seeds.

3. Eggs

It’s possible that eating eggs is the simplest, least expensive, and most flexible way to consume more protein. In addition to being an easy way to increase your daily protein intake, eggs also contain a powerful muscle-building nutrient. Eggs are an excellent source of amino acids, antioxidants, and iron, all of which contribute to improved health. Don’t just grab the egg whites, though; the yolks contain a nutrient called choline that helps fight fat, so eating whole eggs rather than just the whites can help you lose weight. When you go to the store to buy eggs, make sure you read all of the labels. Making as many of your purchases as possible from organic sources would be advantageous. These have received a certification from the USDA and do not contain any hormones, antibiotics, or vaccines. Regarding the hue, that decision is entirely up to you. According to Molly Morgan, RD, CDN, a board-certified sports specialist dietitian based in upstate New York, the colour difference depends on the breed of chicken; however, both types of chicken have the same level of nutritional value.

4. Mustard Seed

Researchers at the Oxford Polytechnic Institute in England discovered that eating one teaspoon of prepared mustard (approximately five calories) can boost the metabolism by up to 25 per cent for several hours after eating a meal. In addition to this, research that was presented in the Asian Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that the amount of visceral adipose tissue that was present in rats that were given a diet consisting solely of lard was reduced when the rats’ diet was supplemented with mustard oil. Scientists believe that the phytochemicals known as allyl isothiocyanates give the mustard its distinctive flavour. These phytochemicals also give mustard the ability to reduce belly fat.

5. Garlic

It might indeed leave a bad taste in your mouth, but trust us when we say that the benefits it offers more than makeup. Due to its ability to prevent the growth of bacteria, garlic has been used for disease prevention and treatment for hundreds of years. Additionally, it has powerful anti-inflammatory properties and lowers cholesterol and blood pressure. So you’ll have to get used to the smell, pick up some mouthwash, and stock up on garlic.

6. Shelled Pumpkin Seeds

Pumpkin seeds are a highly recommended food by Dr Lindsey Duncan, a nutritionist who has worked with Reggie Bush. “A handful of raw pepitas or dry-roasted pumpkin seeds can give you a natural jolt to power through a workout,” he says. “This will allow you to get the most out of your time in the gym.”                                                                               “They contain manganese, magnesium, phosphorus, and zinc, which provide additional energy support to maximize gym time. Additionally, they are a good source of protein, healthy fats, and fibre, which keep you feeling full and energized for a longer period.” You can eat them raw, toss them in salads and rice dishes, or cook them.

7. Oats


People who eat oatmeal for breakfast report feeling fuller for longer, even up to four hours after first putting a spoonful in their mouths. The “wonder food” will prevent you from reaching for the snack drawer in the middle of the morning, which will benefit your efforts to lose weight. In many cases, sugar and artificial flavours are supplemented into instant varieties. In addition, preparing slow-cooking oatmeal on the stovetop can add additional stress to your already hectic morning routine; the solution is to prepare overnight oats. The preparation of a bowl requires nothing more than stuffing a mason jar or a Tupperware container with grains, toppings, and other ingredients, as well as a liquid such as milk or water. After that, you place it inside the refrigerator for the night. The flavours will combine while you sleep, leaving you with nothing more to do than devour it the following morning without worrying about turning on the stove.

8. Almonds

Imagine that each almond is a completely natural diet pill that you are taking. In a study of adults who were overweight or obese, it was discovered that eating slightly more than a quarter of a cup of nuts each day in conjunction with a diet that was lower in calories was more effective in reducing weight than eating a snack that was composed of complex carbohydrates and safflower oil. However, this effect was seen after only two weeks. (And after 24 weeks, those who consumed the nuts experienced a weight loss and BMI reduction of 62% greater than the control group!) Before engaging in physical activity, consume your daily allotment to achieve the best possible outcomes. A study published in The Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition found that eating almonds, which are high in the amino acid L-arginine, can help you burn more fat and carbohydrates while you are working out.

9. Lemons

Within the healthcare community, lemons have long held the reputation of being the healthiest food in the world. Sour fruit is a powerful alkalizing food; they possess potent anti-inflammatory properties and can also aid in preventing the growth of cancer cells. They have the same amount of vitamin C as an orange and are beneficial to the liver and the bowels. Therefore, when life hands you lemons, you should express gratitude, cut one up, and enjoy it by adding it to water.

10. Kamut

Kamut is an ancient grain that originated in the Middle East. It is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, protein, and fibre but has a low-calorie count. As a result, Kamut is an excellent choice for those looking to maintain or improve their cardiovascular health. There are only 140 calories in a serving size of half a cup, but it has thirty per cent more protein than regular wheat. In addition, Eating has been shown to lower cholesterol, blood sugar, and cytokines levels, according to a study published in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition (which causes inflammation throughout the body). Because of its capacity to maintain stable blood sugar levels and lower levels of inflammation, it is an excellent staple food for weight loss, particularly when substituted for refined grains, which are deficient in essential nutrients.

11. Macadamia Nut Oil

Why It’s So Awesome: This oil has a robust flavour and the consistency of the butter, and if you want to find it, you’ll have to look for it in specialty stores. However, it may be the healthiest option available. The fat found in macadamia nuts is predominantly monounsaturated (84 per cent) and contains a very high proportion of omega-3 fatty acids (very high percentage). Additionally, it is a source of phytosterols, compounds derived from plants and linked to a lower risk of developing cancer. Macadamia nut oil is ideal for baking, stir-frying, and oven cooking due to its medium to high smoke point. These cooking methods produce the best results when using this oil. Slice some sweet potatoes, drizzle them with nut oil, and bake them in the oven at 350 degrees for about 20 minutes or until they reach the desired level of crispiness.

12. Beetroots

The lilac-coloured vegetable is frequently disregarded when it comes to being one of the healthiest foods readily available. However, there are arguments that it may still be considered a superfood, and we agree. Both the brain and the blood pressure can benefit from beetroot consumption. Recent health claims state that it enhances exercise performance and may even help prevent dementia in some people. Because folate, magnesium, and vitamin C are all abundant in this root vegetable, you should immediately begin incorporating them into your salads.

13. Gruyere Cheese

The following is a justification for a wine and cheese hour: One slice of the fancy Swiss cheese has one-third of the recommended daily allowance of vitamin A and contains 30% more protein than an egg. If you want to indulge, make sure that your serving is no larger than four dice, and if you drink wine, limit yourself to one glass if you’re a woman and two glasses if you’re a man if you want to reap the benefits of the antioxidant resveratrol and its ability to lower LDL cholesterol. And for even better results, stick to the number one wine recommended for speedy weight loss.

14. Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Why It’s So Awesome: There is some evidence that the consumption of extra virgin olive oil can raise blood levels of the hormone serotonin, which is associated with feelings of fullness. In addition, olive oil contains a high concentration of polyphenols, which are powerful antioxidants that can help protect against a wide range of diseases, including cancer, osteoporosis, and the decline of brain function. How to Use It: Because of the intense flavour it imparts, expensive extra-virgin olive oil is best reserved for dressing salads, vegetables, and cooked dishes. However, in its regular or light form, olive oil is suitable for culinary preparations.

15. Dark Chocolate

Chocoholics worldwide ought to be jumping for joy at the prospect of chocolate making its way onto our list of healthy foods because, yes, you read that correctly; we include chocolate on our list of nutritious foods. According to research, chocolate has more antioxidants per unit weight than most fruit juices. Protecting oneself from disease-causing free radicals is made possible by dark chocolate’s high antioxidant content, comparable to or even higher than many other superfoods. As a consequence, it may be beneficial for the prevention of cancer, the improvement of heart health, and the general improvement of your cholesterol profile. In addition, it is a natural mood enhancer, so you will feel better after eating it! However, it is important to remember that this does not imply that you can consume the entire family bar and feel better about it. You need to eat in healthy moderation; just one or two squares per day is enough to reap the benefits without piling on the pounds. Additionally, it would be best if you are looking for a bar that has been minimally processed and contains at least 70% cocoa.

16. Parmesan Cheese

Because of the fermentation process used to produce cheese, most cheeses naturally have very low sugar levels. Therefore, Parmesan cheese has the additional benefit of reducing belly-bloating cravings for sugar. It has been demonstrated that the amino acid tyrosine in parmesan, a building block of protein, stimulates the brain to release the neurotransmitter dopamine and another neurotransmitter called norepinephrine, which eliminates the desire for sweet things. In addition to this, In addition to having a low carb content, parmesan cheese is loaded with a variety of other essential nutrients. For example, one ounce of Italian cheese provides approximately 31 per cent of the daily calcium intake recommended for bone health, in addition to 11 grams of protein that can help satisfy hunger.

17. Lentils

Since the beginning of recorded history, these have been an indispensable component of the Middle East and Indian cuisine. As a result of the positive effects that they have had on people’s health, they have recently become popular in the United Kingdom. The nutritional benefits of lentils include the ability to improve and maintain cardiovascular health, aid in weight loss in a healthy manner, combat blood sugar fluctuations that can lead to diabetes or low energy levels, and improve digestive health. In addition, lentils have a high fibre and protein content. If you follow a vegetarian or vegan diet, you already enjoy lentils and find ways to incorporate them into your cooking as a substitute for meat. However, if you have never tried them, you should take our word for them and incorporate them into one of your favourite dishes, such as a salad, a soup, or a stew.

18. Kale

In healthy vegetables, kale deserves praise, even though it has already had its 15 minutes of fame (and then some). Cruciferous greens are packed with health-promoting nutrients such as vitamin A, phosphorus, and B vitamins like folate. Additionally, cruciferous greens have twice as much vitamin C as spinach, another nutritional superstar. These greens are even available at McDonald’s these days. A study published in the journal JRSM Cardiovascular Disease found that high daily consumption of green leafy and cruciferous vegetables (such as kale) significantly reduced the incidence of several types of cardiovascular disease. Nevertheless, cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death among women in the United States. And because the vegetable is as adaptable as they come, feel free to include some kale in a variety of dishes, such as egg dishes and tacos, as well as drinks, such as juices and smoothies, because it goes with just about anything.

19. 2% Greek Yogurt

If you are trying to lose weight, yogurt may be one of the most helpful foods you can consume. According to a study published in the British Journal of Nutrition, probiotics, such as those found in a delicious yogurt with a creamy consistency, assisted obese women in losing nearly twice as much weight as those who did not consume probiotics. The subjects who took the probiotic supplements lost an average of 9.7 pounds for the study, while those who took the placebo lost only 5.7 pounds. Both sets of subjects were on low-calorie diets. A bonus is that the participants who were given the beneficial bacteria continued to shed pounds even after an additional 12 weeks of treatment; to be precise, they lost an average of 11.5 pounds. It is important to be selective about the sources of your probiotics because they have the potential to boost your metabolism and improve your immune system. Yogurt is an excellent source of protein and probiotics first thing in the morning, but to choose the best yogurt for your health, you’ll need to read the labels. The majority of yogurts have far more added sugars than they do protein.

20. Potatoes


If you consume your potatoes while they are still warm from the oven, you need to get the full benefit of the potato’s ability to fight fat. The process of converting digestible starches in potatoes into resistant starches is called retrogradation, and it occurs when you place the potatoes in the refrigerator and eat them cold. As its name suggests, resistant starch is resistant to digestion, which boosts the body’s ability to oxidize fat and reduces abdominal fat. Because eating cold baked potatoes does not sound particularly appetizing, use them after they have cooled to make potato salad instead. How to do it: Allow the red potatoes to cool completely after being baked in the oven until they are completely cooked. After that, cut them into thin slices and top them with plain Greek yogurt, Dijon mustard, freshly ground black pepper, chopped green onions (more on this vegetable in the following paragraph), and dill. Combine everything, then place it in the fridge for a while to cool down before consuming it.

21. Raspberries

Raspberries, the most widely consumed type of berry in the world, are loaded with antioxidants, vitamin C, and iron. In addition, studies have shown that increasing consumption is associated with a lower risk of obesity, diabetes, and heart disease, a healthier complexion, increased energy, and overall lower body weight. So, the next time you find yourself in the section of the grocery store devoted to fruit, you should make it a point to purchase some raspberries.

22. Green Tea

Here’s the deal: Green tea has been shown to blast fat away! Researchers believe that catechins, specifically EGCG, are responsible for the fat-burning properties of green tea. Catechins are a group of antioxidative compounds that blast adipose tissue by revving the metabolism, increasing the release of fat from fat cells (especially in the belly), and then speeding up the liver’s capacity to burn fat. It gets better:

  • According to research, maximizing the benefits of green tea for weight loss may involve combining regular consumption with physical activity.
  • For instance, a study published in The Journal of Nutrition discovered that participants who combined drinking 4-5 cups of green tea with a 25-minute workout lost two more pounds than the non-tea-drinking exercisers. The researchers attributed this finding to the antioxidant properties of green tea.

23. Turmeric

Turmeric, which has a deep yellow colour, was formerly known as the “Poor Man’s Saffron,” but it is now more commonly known as the “Golden Spice of Life.” Curcumin, the ingredient in Turmeric, is responsible for the spice’s health benefits. Curcumin is a powerful antioxidant that releases its anti-inflammatory goodness to almost every cell in the body, boosting the immune system and treating various disorders ranging from indigestion to cancer. As a result, Turmeric has a long history of use in traditional Indian cooking. Recent studies suggest that Turmeric could effectively treat various brain disorders. For instance, a recent study discovered that people at risk of cognitive impairment who added one gram of Turmeric to their breakfast showed significant improvements in their working memory after only six hours. Moreover, this improvement was observed even though the people only consumed Turmeric in the morning. In addition, there is a growing body of research looking into the role that curcumin plays in treating and preventing Alzheimer’s disease.

Obtain the Advantages: Since curcumin can only be obtained through Turmeric, you will want to include as much of this spice as possible in your diet. Curry powder combines spices typically containing Turmeric and should not be confused with the spice in question. It would be best if you looked for Turmeric, as it contains twice as much curcumin as Turmeric from Madras. Because the uncooked spice has a rather intense flavour, the best way to enjoy it is to cook it in a dish like a stew or stir-fry. Additionally, it can be utilized in the kitchen as a seasoning for meat, poultry, and fish.

24. Kefir

Kefir, fermented milk made from grains, has emerged as a rising nutritional superstar over the past few years due to its numerous positive effects on one’s health. The dairy drink that has the consistency of a smoothie and is similar to yogurt is recommended for people who have an intolerance to dairy products because it has been discovered to counteract the effects of the lactose in milk, which can cause stomach irritation. In addition, according to the findings of a review that was published in Nutrition Research Reviews, regular consumption of kefir has been linked to improved digestion, an antibacterial effect, a hypocholesterolemic effect, control of plasma glucose, an anti-hypertensive effect, an anti-inflammatory effect, antioxidant activity, anti-carcinogenic activity, anti-allergenic activity, and healing effects. All of these benefits can be attributed to kefir’s probiotic properties.

25. White Tea

Tea is an excellent no-sugar alternative to sickeningly sweet sodas and juices. As you will learn in the following paragraphs, each variety of tea comes with its own set of benefits related to weight loss. White tea, for instance, was found in a study published in the journal Nutrition & Metabolism to simultaneously stimulate the breakdown of fat in the body while blocking the formation of new fat cells. So it is a double whammy for eliminating belly fat.

26. Walnuts

When it comes to nuts, you get what you pay for (pause for laughter): some are very healthy for you, while others are not. Walnuts have the highest concentration of antioxidants of any other type of nut; in addition, they are an excellent source of vitamin E, plant serums, omega-3 oils, and healthy fats. After eating a fatty meal, eating walnuts may be just as effective as consuming olive oil in reducing inflammation and oxidation in the arteries. Most of our nutritious foods should only be consumed in moderation, as consuming excessive amounts is unhealthy for us. You should consume about eight walnuts daily to reap the benefits.

27. 1% Organic, Grass-Fed Milk

Conventionally-raised cows are given hormones and antibiotics, but organically-raised cows do not receive either of these treatments. Since organically raised cows do not receive antibiotics, you do not either. It has been demonstrated that grass-fed cows have higher levels of omega-3 fatty acids, which are considered beneficial, and two to five times more CLA, which is a conjugated linoleic acid, than cows fed corn or grain.

CLA contains a group of chemicals that have been shown to have many beneficial effects on human health, including but not limited to the following:

  • Support for the immune and inflammatory systems
  • Improved bone mass
  • Improved regulation of blood sugar
  • Reduced body fat
  • Reduced risk of heart attack
  • Maintenance of lean body mass

If you choose to skim milk, you will get only some of the benefits of the alphabetical nutrients listed on your cereal box because many vitamins are fat-soluble. Therefore, you should choose at least 1% whole milk instead of skim milk to get the most out of your breakfast.

28. Salmon


This fish is a fantastic resource for omega-3 fatty acids, the consumption of which has been shown to lower one’s risk of developing depression, cardiovascular disease, and cancer. Because it contains almost half of the recommended daily allowance of niacin and has been shown to protect the body against Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of memory loss, it is commonly referred to as “brain food.” In addition, it contains a high quantity of protein and the vitamins and minerals potassium, selenium, and vitamin B12. Be aware of salmon’s relatively high calorie and fat content; research indicates that fatty fish may be one of the best for promoting weight loss. In one study, participants were split up into groups and assigned to one of three identically calorie-controlled weight loss diets. These diets either did not include any seafood (the control group), included lean white fish, or included salmon. Everyone experienced a loss of weight, but those who consumed salmon experienced the greatest reduction in inflammation and had the lowest fasting insulin levels. It is because salmon contains a high amount of omega-3 fatty acids known to reduce inflammation.

29. Chia Seeds

Maintaining a healthy balance of omega-3 to omega-6 fatty acids is one of the most important aspects of eating a nutritionally sound diet. It would be ideal to have a ratio of 4:1, but the modern American diet has more of a ratio of 20:1. This results in inflammation, leading to weight gain if left unchecked. However, while consuming a serving of salmon every day might not be the most practical thing to do, adding chia seeds, which are among the foods that contain the highest concentrations of omega-3 fatty acids, to smoothies, salads, cereals, pancakes, or even desserts is about as simple as it gets when it comes to making dietary changes.

30. Black Tea

Researchers in Italy discovered that drinking one cup of black tea per day improves cardiovascular function, and the more cups of tea one consumes, the more improvement in cardiovascular function one experiences. Your improved cardiovascular function will allow you to breeze through the 5K race you have registered for. And a study that was published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences found that drinking 20 ounces of black tea causes the body to secrete five times more interferon, which is an essential component of your body’s arsenal to protect itself from infections.

31. Avocado

The avocado is the marmite of the fruit world; it can cause people to feel strongly either for or against it. What would you say if we told you that consuming one or two almonds once a week would provide you with all the benefits of healthy monounsaturated fats, potassium, folate, and vitamins K, C, B5, B6, and E? Avocados have a high fibre content and are packed with fatty acids that are good for your heart. They are also extremely nutritious. Consuming this fruit, also known as an “alligator pear,” has been shown to reduce blood levels of cholesterol and triglycerides, protect your eyes, alleviate symptoms of arthritis, and possibly help prevent cancer. If you haven’t tried it yet, please do so, and if you’ve already tried it and didn’t enjoy it, you should consider giving it another shot.

32. Flaxseed

Flaxseed is nutritious at any age, but it may be especially beneficial as you age because it has been demonstrated to lower high blood pressure. As a result, the chances of you having a heart attack or stroke decrease when you consume flaxseed. According to a study published in the Natural Medicine Journal, the individuals who participated in the research were divided into two groups. Each group consumed a wide variety of foods, such as bagels, muffins, and buns. In addition, one group was given a flaxseed supplement that consisted of 30 grams of milled flaxseed daily for one year, while the other group was given a placebo. After six months, those who consumed flaxseed had lower blood pressure levels on both the systolic and diastolic sides. In addition, those in the flax group who began the study with hypertension experienced more significant reductions in their blood pressure than those in the control group who were not given flaxseed.

33. Canned Sardines In Oil

The smaller the fish, the less mercury it will have, which is harmful to humans. These teeny fish, known as sardines, are typically found in the waters of the Pacific Ocean. They may be small, but they pack a powerful nutritional punch despite their size. You’ll get 12 per cent of the daily value for vitamin D, 835 milligrams of omega-3 fatty acids, and 64 per cent of the selenium your body needs in just three ounces. Selenium is an essential mineral that helps regulate metabolism, the immune system, and reproductive health. In addition to that, they are loaded with calcium, which helps strengthen bones. However, it is common knowledge that canned varieties contain a lot of sodium; consequently, you should consume them in moderation or search for varieties with less sodium.

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