Whoever first said that getting a massage was a luxury probably did not have a full-time job, a full-time family life, and a regular exercise routine to keep them busy. Nevertheless, I frequently tell people that getting a massage is essential to regaining my equilibrium and maintaining my health. Because, as good fortune would have it, there is a wealth of evidence that substantiates my realisations! Working out and pushing yourself in the gym, with plenty of recovery time afterwards, is amazing for your health.
However, when everything else in life also adds up, and your tissues and muscles end up sore and tight from overdoing it, the benefits of working out and pushing yourself in the gym can be negated. After an intense workout, muscle recovery is of the utmost importance; however, the question remains: how can one speed up the recovery process? Enter the practice of massage therapy. After a particularly taxing workout, getting a massage is a fantastic way to speed up recovery. Massage has many benefits, but it is especially helpful for recovery and easing muscle soreness.
In this post, we’ll discuss the following topics:
- How Massages Benefit Your Muscles and Help You Feel Better
- The 5 Advantages of Getting a Massage That You Should Know About How to Give Yourself a Massage at Home Plus the Instrument You’ll Need
- Additional Methods to Speed Up Muscle Recovery
Boxing Bayside is the place to go to learn more on this subject. Massaging your muscles will increase circulation, which in turn will help deliver freshly oxygenated blood to various parts of your body. The oxygenated blood helps nourish tissues and cleanses toxic waste from your muscles, which it does by carrying it away. Lactic acid accumulates in your muscles after exercise, causing soreness; however, massage can help stimulate blood flow, thereby reducing the amount of acid in your muscles. Massages can also help reduce inflammation in the body. Inflammation is triggered in the body when substances known as cytokines are released as a result of micro-tears occuring in the muscles. Massage therapy helps to inhibit the release of those chemicals, which leads to a more rapid reduction in the inflammatory response. When inflammation is reduced, pain and soreness are both alleviated.
The benefits of massage are truly astounding in their breadth and depth. Today, we will discuss four benefits unique to stress, muscles, and the recovery process after exercise! If you partake in massage therapy, I will go over four benefits of massage that you should be just as excited about as I am.
We spend a significant amount of time looking in front of us, whether in the kitchen, in front of the television, sending texts, or working at a desk all day. But, unfortunately, it causes a lot of stress, tension, and soreness in the back, shoulders, and neck of the person doing it to them! Massage can help undo the damage caused by sitting for long periods or having poor posture. Because of constant forward orientation, I also recommend doing chest opening stretches daily, like placing one hand on each side of a doorway and pushing your chest forwards until you feel a great chest stretch and release your back muscles to rest.
Massage therapy is an effective method for relieving pain and can assist with managing both acute and chronic pain. Massage is a holistic method that can be used to relieve pain. It works by stimulating the muscles and removing lactic acid buildup, which relieves inflammation. Massage is an effective non-pharmaceutical alternative to pain medication for athletes who regularly experience muscle strain and soreness. [2]
The importance of physical activity and exercise to one’s overall health and well-being cannot be overstated. A significant number of athletes and people, in general, find that increasing the intensity of their workouts benefits their efforts to gain muscle mass. Unfortunately, engaging in a strenuous workout routine can also lead to injuries or tired and sore muscles in the short term. On the other hand, massage has been shown to improve athletic performance consistently by lowering levels of muscle soreness and aiding in the prevention of injuries. For instance, reducing inflammation and releasing built-up lactic acid can make you less likely to suffer a serious muscle injury.
The following are some of the incredible benefits that massage has for physical activity and athletic performance:
- Helps support muscle tone
- Facilitates relaxation and reduces tension in the body’s muscles
- Your range of motion will be increased.
- Relaxes the muscles and eases muscle tension
- Allows for faster recovery of muscle tissue
- Decreases Pain in the Muscles That Comes on Delayed (DOMS)
- Reduces edema and inflammation in the body
- Helps prevent injuries
Following strenuous exercise, getting a massage can speed up the recovery process for your muscles. It is a significant advantage of massage, just like some of the others we have discussed so far! Other common treatments for sore muscles, such as chemical creams or oral medications, do a good job of reducing inflammation. Still, they also have the potential to impede muscle repair, growth, and recovery. On the other hand, massage can help reduce inflammation, which will make you feel better, and it can also speed up the recovery and healing of your muscles. Boxing Bayside contains additional information regarding the subject at hand.
You are now aware of the incredible advantages of receiving a massage and how beneficial it can be to incorporate massage into your workout routine to speed up the recovery of your muscles. But apart from that, what other ways are there to speed up muscle recovery? Here are some tips. It is essential to the health of your muscles that you stay hydrated before, during, and after your workout; getting the proper amount of water and electrolytes is the key to this! If you plan on doing a lengthy workout, stop and rest at regular intervals. Stretch both before and after you do your workout. Recuperate correctly! Don’t do intense workouts every day! It is impossible to avoid putting significant strain on your body if you engage in strenuous physical activity daily. A more effective strategy would be to perform one or two strenuous workouts per week and then either rest or perform workouts that are less taxing on the body on the other days.
Experiment with different forms of exercise, such as yoga or rebounding, to work a wider variety of muscle groups and motions. Ensure you eat a complete and balanced diet and get all the nutrients you require, particularly magnesium and calcium. Consume adequate vitamin D to support your bone health and muscle recovery! Massage is a fantastic way to speed up the recovery of sore muscles and help protect against further injuries. In addition, it alleviates muscle strain and tension and even reverses the effects of stress and poor posture! Massage has a wide range of positive effects on your health, but it is particularly helpful for speeding up the recovery of your muscles. After a tough workout, have you ever tried relaxing your muscles with a massage? If you’re willing to invest in a powerful tool like the HyperVolt, it will completely transform how you handle pain and speed up your recovery time after workouts.
Send us a message if you’re ready to place your order immediately. Even if you only get a knot in the shoulder occasionally or suffer from chronic muscle soreness, getting a massage can provide benefits beyond simply easing the tension in those areas. You will feel relief from the tightness and throbbing in your lower back, and you will provide your body with the dose of care and attention that it richly deserves. Be sure to explain the reason you decided to get a massage in the first place to your therapist so that they can create a treatment specifically catered to your requirements. For example, you can get a hydro massage or spend a few minutes in a massage chair if you don’t want to spend much money or are uncomfortable with the idea of a stranger touching you. In either case, you must pay attention to the muscles that are giving you trouble to better target those muscles during your massage and get the most benefit out of it. Here are five advantages that can result from giving your body some extra attention and care:
The Mayo Clinic suggests that massages can help alleviate the pain associated with headaches, which is fantastic news for people who regularly suffer from this recurrent medical condition. So if you’re looking for a way to supplement the treatment you’re already receiving for your headaches, you might give massage a shot and see if it helps reduce the intensity of the pain.
It is common for people who go to the gym to experience sore muscles after doing exercises such as running on a treadmill or lifting weights. However, if a long soak in a warm bath does not alleviate the soreness, it is time to try something else. According to a study on massage therapy published in Science Translational Medicine, participants who received massages had lower levels of inflammation in their muscles than those who did not. It means that your body will recover from exercise more quickly, and you will spend less time feeling apprehensive or uneasy after your workouts.
One of the most well-established advantages of massage is its ability to alleviate stress, which is an essential component of one’s overall well-being. Healthy stress management is one of the most important aspects of stress management. According to an article published in Prevention magazine, getting a massage causes a decrease in the stress hormone known as cortisol while also causing an increase in the feel-good hormones serotonin and dopamine. Therefore, the massage will not only help your muscles relax, but it will also positively affect your state of mind.
Have you ever seen a cat soundly sleeping before a fireplace and wished you could do the same thing? Cue, massage. The National Sleep Foundation reports that a massage will release the neurotransmitters necessary for a restful night’s sleep. Who could say? During the session, you might even nod off for a moment.
You deserve some reward after all the hard work you’ve been putting in at the gym. Certainly, the fact that you are healthier and have more energy is a reward in and of itself; however, when you are going through some discomfort, it is not as easy to appreciate these benefits. You will not, thankfully, have to put up with the muscle soreness that frequently follows strenuous physical activity. According to an article published in Shape magazine, a sports massage “can reduce muscle tension and pain, lower blood pressure, increase blood circulation and lymph flow, improve flexibility and range of motion, and improve the amount of time it takes for muscles to recover.” It is important to remember that to reap the benefits of massage, you can spend a little money or seek out a professional masseuse. You can receive the same health advantages from either a chair massage or a hydro massage, both of which are available at no additional cost to Black Card members of Planet Fitness. After a hard workout, there is no better time or place to give your body a break it so richly deserves than right there in the gym. Boxing Bayside is the place to go to learn more on this subject.
What Is Active Stretching and Its Benefits?
Active stretching is when you take a muscle group you want to stretch and contract its opposing muscle group without using any external support to help you stretch. This type of stretching can be done at home or in a gym. For instance, if you want to stretch your hamstrings, you should lie on the floor and raise one leg as high as possible until you feel a stretch. It should be repeated several times. Then, after putting some tension on your thighs (quadriceps) for a few seconds, you relax the contraction and lower your leg.
After that, you will carry out this procedure several times more. According to some sources, the purpose of active stretching is to do more than increase flexibility; it is also a method of warming up your muscles and getting them ready for your planned activity. But what does the evidence from scientific studies suggest about the relationship between active stretching and athletic performance?
Active stretching vs. static stretching
To begin, let’s define a few terms so there is no room for misunderstanding. Static stretching is a broad term encompassing all forms of stretching in which you hold a stretch in a fixed position for a while. Active stretching is a subtype of static stretching. Static stretching is the more general term. Since static stretching falls under the broader category of active stretching, the recommendations for static stretching can also be applied to active stretching.
Active stretching vs. passive stretching
Active stretching, as opposed to passive stretching, does not require external forces to increase the range of motion. Instead, you “relax” the opposite muscle group when you “actively” contract one muscle group, which allows for a greater range of motion. This theory is founded on reciprocal inhibition, in which the agonists engage in voluntary contraction, and the antagonists have reduced neural activity, enabling the muscles to lengthen even further. Active and passive stretching were compared in a study conducted in Brazil in 2011. The researchers found little to no difference in the participants’ ability to extend their knees when they did either.
Active stretching exercise examples
Supine hamstrings stretch with quadriceps contraction
Position yourself to lie on the floor with both legs extended upwards towards the air and your knees bent slightly. Bring your toes up towards your face and flex them. Contracting your quadriceps will allow you to bring one of your legs closer to the ground while maintaining the position of the other leg in the same position. When you feel a stretch in the hamstring on the opposite side, stop lowering the weight. After keeping your leg in this position for approximately 10 to 15 seconds, could you bring it back to the starting position? This exercise should be performed five to six times on each leg. You can perform anywhere from two to three sets.
Standing quadriceps stretch with hamstrings contraction
Maintaining balance on one leg, flex the knee of the other leg until your foot is almost touching your buttocks. If you need more stretch, tighten your hamstrings and glutes while extending your hips a little. After maintaining this position for 10 to 15 seconds, bring your leg down to the floor so that you are standing. Perform the stretch on the other leg, and do two to three sets total.
Lunge hip flexor stretching with glute contraction
Lean your weight towards the foot in front of you while standing with one foot on top of a box or step between two and three feet high. Maintaining a glute contraction for ten to fifteen seconds will allow you to achieve a deeper stretch in your hip flexors. After that, return your body to the starting position and carry out the stretching exercise on the other side of your body. Perform the stretch for a total of two to three sets. To stretch your lower back, try turning your torso so that it faces the hip that is flexed while you are holding the stretch.
Triceps stretch with biceps contraction
Raise your right arm above your head and bend it at the elbow to bring your right hand to the base of your neck. Your right bicep is slightly contracting at this point. Your triceps will stretch more effectively if you first contract your biceps. Repeat the process using the other arm after holding the stretch for ten to fifteen seconds. Perform the stretch for a total of two to three sets.
Biceps stretch with triceps contraction
Extend your right arm to the side of your body, ensuring that your right hand’s palm is facing away from your body. The goal is to maintain the stretch for 10 to 15 seconds while contracting your triceps. If you need more stretch, try tilting your head to the left. Repeat the stretch on the other side, then continue for two or three sets total. Active stretching is one intervention that can be used to minimise muscle atrophy. Although the results of previous research have been mixed, the weight of the evidence suggests that it is the most effective. In addition, those who cannot move because they are recovering from an injury or are bedridden could benefit.
However, more recent research has uncovered evidence that runs counter to the findings of the preview review, such as a randomised controlled trial in Japan in 2015. In this study, the researchers compared the effects of active stretching to those of passive stretching on the hamstrings’ flexibility while including a control group. Random selection was used to assign each of the 54 subjects to one of three groups: the passive, active, or control groups. There were nine males and nine females in each of the groups. As a starting position, the participants in the experimental groups rolled onto their backs and bent their hips and knees to an angle of approximately 90 degrees. They started with their knee bent slightly and gradually extended it until they felt a stretch in their hamstrings. A researcher extended the knee further until it reached discomfort that the participants in the passive stretching group could tolerate. In the active stretching group, the participants extended their knees by flexing their quadriceps muscles.
The stretch was maintained for ten seconds in both groups and then the knee was flexed gradually for the same time. They completed a total of three sets of the exercise. The group that served as the control stayed strong. The researchers measured the results and discovered that the passive stretching group gained more than double the knee flexion (+15.8 degrees) compared to the active stretching group (+7.0 degrees). It was the case that both experimental groups improved their flexibility, and the control group barely increased. One of the limitations of this study is that the participants were all in their twenties and good health; as a result, it is still being determined whether or not the findings of this research can be applied to younger or older age groups. In subsequent studies, it will be important to compare various stretch times.