Rope Skipping

Benefits Of The Box Jump

When you hear the word “sports,” the first things that probably come to mind are football, basketball, and baseball. When you hear “fitness,” you might picture yourself putting in long, strenuous hours at the gym. Unfortunately, because you suffer from a bleeding disorder, it’s possible that you won’t be able to take part in any of these activities.When you next hear the terms sports and fitness, keep in mind that engaging in physical activity, whether in the form of relatively risk-free sports or exercises, will help your musculoskeletal system and reduce excess weight. The primary advantage is that your joints will become more stable, and you will experience less bleeding and pain.

According to a study conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), being overweight significantly correlates with a restricted joint range of motion. It didn’t matter how severe the bleeding disorder was; this was always the case. On the other hand, being overweight is not the only issue. For example, do you ever find that simply ascending one flight of stairs is enough to make you feel exhausted, or does it seem like the distance you have to travel down the hall is getting longer and longer?
Boxing Bayside invites you to try out our various boxing classes.

You will get the full benefits of a vertical leap if you incorporate this plyometric move and the accompanying exercises into your workout routine.
Have you ever taken the time to watch someone perform a vertical jump onto boxes in slow motion? When you first see them, your first thought is probably, “They can’t get up there!”And then, in a surge of intensity that encompasses the entire body, they do it. But why would anybody other than basketball players benefit from training in such a manner? It has been discovered that boxing jumps can put all your other training into higher gear.

The following are some pointers provided by exercise scientists and performance coaches on taking a single jump from a “baby step” to “the big leagues” regarding your ability to build strength and improve your overall conditioning.According to Kim Goss, M.S., a former strength coach for the United States Air Force Academy, plyometric exercises “can increase power, reactive ability, jumping ability, and decrease injuries.” Plyometric exercises are also known as “jump training.” Because of this, the “do-it-all” training modality has become extremely popular, and the box jump is an excellent move to help you advance your training if you perform it correctly.

Get The Right Amount Of Joint Impact

woman man stretching gym

As women get older, box jumps’ impact on their joints can help them increase their bone-mineral content and collagen production, which are very important factors. Box jumps, on the other hand, have been shown to have a relatively lower impact on the joints when compared to other jumping exercises.You will train your body to become more explosive, which will complement the raw strength you build when performing exercises such as the deadlift or the squat. According to Woodrup, “Box jumps are great for building power and firing up the central nervous system,” As a result, they are the ideal exercise to incorporate before strength training. Additionally, they serve as an efficient warmup before squats.

Challenge Hip Extension And Flexion

At the top, after both feet have landed, you should aim to extend your hips to their fullest extent in a very short amount of time. Lifts such as the snatch and the thruster, which require a similarly rapid extension at the top of the movement, will benefit from this training because it will complement those lifts.The intensity of your cardiovascular system demanded by the box jump is yet another advantage of this exercise. Jumping causes your body to consume more oxygen (also known as increasing peak oxygen intake) because jumping is dynamic. As a result, it teaches your heart to make better use of oxygen so that it can pump blood more effectively to the muscles, and it also has the potential to reduce your blood pressure after a workout.

So how exactly do you improve your box jump most effectively? Start small. Choose a box six inches tall as a starting point, or one that allows you to land in the correct “athletic stance” with your feet shoulder-width apart, knees inside the feet, a neutral back, and your chest over your feet, as recommended by Woodrup.”Once the landing position starts to get to the point where your knees are above waist height (i.e., quads slightly below parallel to the floor), then you’re not challenging your jump height as much as just how much you are bringing your legs up,” says a jump coach. “This is where you test your ability to bring your legs up.”Concentrate on making a soft landing and ensuring that your knees remain in line with your long toe. “If you can do that consistently and have several inches of clearance over the box when you land, you may be ready to increase the box height,” says Goss. “If you can’t do that consistently, you won’t be ready to increase the box height.” Be warned, however, that living a lavish lifestyle for an extended time may cause more harm than good. She explains that there is a possibility that the potential benefits of performing a high number of repetitions of more strenuous plyometric exercises like these are outweighed by the potential risks of injury.

Best Exercises To Increase Your Box Jump
Check out our boxing classes at Boxing Bayside.

Jamie Hagiya, a competitor in the CrossFit Games, a former professional basketball player, and a Torrance CrossFit co-owner is extremely knowledgeable about box jumps. Your power, speed, and explosiveness will significantly improve if you perform her top exercises, shown on the left. In addition, Woodrup recommends carrying out the exercises in the order described above to force your body to transition between plyometric and strength training. According to him, if you want to get the most out of it, you should stick with lower-rep sets of high-quality reps.

Beginner/Intermediate Variations:

Perform the following exercise: low box jumps while keeping your hands behind your head. Because you cannot use your arms to assist with the movement in this variation, you will have no choice but to work with a lower box. Jumping with your hands behind your head encourages you to develop a more powerful leg drive. In addition, it improves your balance, which will assist you with various other exercises. Conditioning can also be accomplished by performing two-legged box jumps that begin with a step or hop.

Advanced Variations:

Consider the following: Starting in a seated position on a Bosu ball, perform box jumps with varying heights. This more advanced variation requires a greater range of motion and eliminates the countermovement benefits you get from a standing box jump. In addition, it helps improve joint mobility and creates higher levels of involvement in the glutes. Although you won’t be able to make very high jumps from this seated position, which is why you should adjust the height of the box accordingly, this exercise is an excellent method for developing explosive strength and working the glutes. As an additional option, you can perform box jumps while wearing a weight vest.

Cardio Kickboxing Benefits

Guy Training Punching Bag

The Cardio Kickboxing class is a lively, high-energy workout with practical applications. Today, we’re going to look at some of the many reasons why learning kickboxing and other martial arts is a great idea, and we’ll start with the benefits. So, what are some of the advantages of engaging in cardio kickboxing?


In this world where everything seems to be stress-induced, we must discover ways to alleviate our daily pressures. For example, you will put your phone away for thirty minutes to one hour to participate in an exercise, which in and of itself is a stress-relieving activity; however, punching and kicking are ways to release even more of that tension. After completing this high-intensity class, you will feel a sense of accomplishment and possibly even euphoria due to the release of endorphins stimulated by the class. On top of that, you can picture the circumstance causing you the most anxiety in the classroom and focus your frustration on that aspect of the situation instead. It is an excellent method for letting out the frustrations that we all feel from time to time.

Self Care

Even though reducing stress is a form of self-care, another aspect is still to consider in this context. You will become more powerful through strength training activities such as kickboxing and other high-intensity interval training (HIIT) exercises. It will make it simpler for you to fit into your clothes and give you more self-confidence and other benefits. Self-care can be boiled down to taking care of oneself in this manner. It would help if you carved out some time to relax and concentrate on yourself and your needs. If you are looking for a class that teaches techniques such as punching, kicking, jumping, and twisting, this is the right one for you.


You will be in a much better position to improve your endurance if you participate in workouts emphasising the cardiovascular system, such as cardio kickboxing. For instance, in a cardio kickboxing class, not only will you be working on your cardiovascular fitness, but throughout the workout, your instructors will have you concentrate on how you are breathing (when to breathe in and out with every punch and kick). These guidelines will be of great assistance to you in all of your future workouts. Because it requires you to understand how oxygen is transported throughout your body while simultaneously allowing you to build up the muscle groups responsible for endurance, this workout is particularly effective at increasing your endurance level.

Cardiovascular Health

One in every four people who passes away in the United States each year has heart disease, making it the leading cause of death for both men and women in the country. To reduce one’s risk of developing this condition, the American Heart Association recommends engaging in moderate-intensity aerobic activity for 150 minutes per week. Because cardio kickboxing classes offer an enjoyable and high-energy form of aerobic exercise that lasts thirty minutes to an hour, this format is the ideal way to maintain variety in your routine and experiment with something new.


If the advantages outlined above were not sufficient to persuade you, consider that your cardio kickboxing workout will help you burn calories. According to, if you participate in a cardio kickboxing class for one hour, you can anticipate burning more than 350 calories. Your one-hour run should therefore be put on hold while you give this high-energy class a try instead. In the meantime, you can go for a run.

Learn Self-Defense

You might get the impression that you are just kicking and punching at air (because that is what you are doing), but the components of developing your punches, kicks, and combos in class can be taken with you when you go out into the world. It is because you are doing what you are doing. When faced with peril, we have a duty to ensure that we can protect ourselves. This benefit is unique to workouts inspired by martial arts because of the practical application of those arts; however, we sincerely hope that you will never have to use this benefit.

Build Muscle

The full-body workout you get from cardio kickboxing will help you tone every muscle in your body, from your head to your kicking foot. You will notice that your lower and upper body muscles are beginning to tone and take shape as they have never before as long as you continue to make this workout a regular part of your routine and do not deviate from doing it regularly.

Build Relationships

In a group exercise class, you will be working out next to other people with the same or similar goals as you: to come in, have a good time and get a great workout. While in the class, you will sweat it out next to other people. Classes involving working out in a group are an excellent way to bring people together. In group exercise classes, many of us have developed long-lasting friendships, whether by conversing with the person sitting next to us or exchanging a smile with someone in the opposite corner of the room.

Benefits of Kickboxing Fitness Classes
Kid Training Man

Check out our boxing classes at Boxing Bayside.

Improves Cardiovascular Fitness

The intensity of kickboxing fitness classes can vary depending on the length of the class; however, regardless of the length, they are all excellent aerobic workouts. Your cardiovascular fitness will improve due to taking classes of this nature because they get your heart pumping, which in turn delivers oxygen-rich blood to your muscles, improving your cardiovascular fitness. The more work your heart requires, the better it will become at carrying oxygen to the rest of your body. The key indicator of a healthy heart is a reduced resting heart rate, which can be achieved by increasing the frequency with which you exercise. If you want more stamina, try taking a kickboxing class that lasts one hour. It will help you maintain the intensity for a longer period, which will improve your stamina.

Burns Calories

Classes in kickboxing are a very effective form of exercise; in just one hour of class, you can burn as many as 750 calories. The number of calories you will burn during the class will be determined by many factors, including the intensity level and length of time spent in the class. A typical steady-state cardio class will burn less fat and fewer calories than an interval-based training class. Interval-based training classes will be more effective at burning fat and calories. Strengthens both the upper and lower body.All the routines performed in cardio kickboxing require you to engage in many important muscle groups, which help tone various body parts. For example, your calves will get a good workout from jumping exercises. Your quads, hamstrings, and glutes will all get a workout from squats. Punches are driven by power generated from the shoulders.Many people are under the impression that this class does not require any core engagement on their part. On the contrary, it is essential to have a robust core to maintain balance and coordination. The abdominals and obliques, the muscles that run along the side of the torso, are strengthened when you perform high kicks and punches with a twisting motion. However, maintaining the correct form is necessary to get the most out of your workout.

 Improves Coordination

Because kickboxing involves movement in multiple planes of motion, you must remain conscious of what your body is doing throughout the entire routine. For instance, you might be standing on one leg while kicking another leg into the air while performing a certain exercise. Likewise, you may need to move your legs around while punching across your body. Your balance, flexibility, and coordination will all significantly improve as a result of performing all these exercises.

Improves Confidence

It is common knowledge that physical activity and martial arts practice can boost one’s self-esteem and confidence. Endorphins are “feel-good chemicals” that are produced in the brain as a result of engaging in physical activity. Endorphins induce a natural state of euphoria in their recipients. There are, of course, the changes in your physical appearance that you can see, such as larger or more toned muscles and a reduced waistline, which will provide you with an additional boost of self-assurance.

Learn Helpful Defense Moves

You never want even to entertain the idea of being in a predicament in which you would have to engage in self-defence, but the unfortunate reality is that such predicaments can arise for anyone, at any time, in any location. Therefore, it is to one’s advantage to be well-prepared. Even though kickboxing fitness classes aren’t designed to teach self-defence specifically, you’ll still learn fundamental moves like kicking and jabbing if you take one. We want to instil confidence in people so that if they are ever put in a potentially hazardous circumstance, they can apply what they have learned in training to get themselves out of it securely.At Elite Sports Club-Mequon, we provide a training class for small groups that focuses on teaching more advanced self-defence strategies. If this sounds interesting to you, read on.Do you want to find a healthy outlet for the frustrations you’ve been feeling? Participating in kickboxing classes allows you to release pent-up aggression through strenuous physical activity. In certain classes, participants will work out on traditional boxing bags, which allow them to kick and punch something tangible rather than just the air. In addition, numerous studies have shown that physical activity is an excellent way to lower levels of depression and anxiety in addition to its beneficial effects on stress relief.

It’s Fun!

Are you sick and tired of doing the same old boring workouts repeatedly? If any of the advantages above aren’t enough to sway your decision, the fact that it’s a lot of fun should be! It is a very active class in which you will use various muscle groups. You won’t even realize that you’re working out because you’ll be so focused on the moves of the martial arts you’re practising. You’ll find that jumping, punching, and kicking are the keys to a happier and healthier you.Participating in an exercise class with others will also allow you to improve your social life. Even if you have never attended school, the community members will welcome you with open arms because they have all been in your shoes before. After a few sessions, you’ll feel you belong to the group. In addition, gentlemen, this course is not geared exclusively toward women.

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